Gap Service

Welcome to the Gap Service page for the POAB Fund. Here, you'll find all the necessary information regarding the purchase of Gap Service, which allows members to regain service credit for periods during which their membership was inactive.

What is Gap Service?

Gap Service refers to the service for which a member was eligible to receive credit after joining the Fund but did not receive credit due to:

  • Membership Termination from delinquent dues
  • Failure to inform the POAB of a return to law enforcement after an employment change within 6 months

Eligibility to Purchase Gap Service

Members are eligible to purchase Gap Service if they meet the following criteria:

  • They are active members of the Fund
  • They have not previously purchased the maximum amount of five years

Purchase Requirements

  • Minimum Purchase: Members must purchase a minimum of 6 months of Gap Service.
  • Verification: A Certification by Employing Agency Form is required to verify service from the agency at which the member is buying back time.

Cost Calculation

The cost of purchasing Gap Service is calculated by POAB Fund staff. To request a calculation for purchasing Gap Service, please contact the POAB office. A lump-sum payment is required along with the completed paperwork.

Important Notes

  • This service is considered a Buyback with the Fund and is purchased at full actuarial cost. Service eligible for purchase cannot exceed 5 years. However, it is immediately credited to the members account and counts toward vesting. *
  • Purchased Gap Service does not need to be matched.

*Gap service purchased prior to July 1, 2024, does NOT count toward vesting. It adds to your creditable service once you are vested.