Request a Refund of Dues

Refund of Overpayment

If a member overpays their dues, they may request a refund of the overpayment by submitting an  Download this pdf file. Overpayment Refund Request Form  .

Retirees who have contributed more than the required dues amount will automatically receive a refund of overpaid dues. The payment of this refund will be issued approximately 30 days after the first pension payment is received by the member.

Refund of Contributions 

Before retirement, a member may withdraw their membership and request to receive a 100% refund of all dues paid into the Fund. Any interest or penalties paid are not refundable. If you choose to rejoin after taking a refund, any service credit accrued during the previous stint of active membership is forfeited, though up to five years of previous service may be claimed as a Buyback.

Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please complete the Refund Request according to the included instructions and return the completed forms to our office by mail, email, or fax.

The Fund processes refunds upon receipt of the above requirements (approximately 7 to 10 business days).